Our products

At Plurall we have specific products for every need, all to support you in the growth and strengthening of your business, in an agile and transparent way.

We are your partner of financial solutions for your business!

Our products

At Plurall, we create products to fit every business needto support you in the growth and strengthening of your business, in an agile and transparent way.

We are an entrepreneur FinTech creating financial solutions for Solopreneurs and Microbusiness Owners.

Our products

En Plurall tenemos productos específicos para cada necesidad, todo para apoyarte en el crecimiento y fortalecimiento de tu negocio, de una forma ágil y transparente


The productive capital your business needs.

Digital Account

An account for
your business money.

Plurall Card

To pay and shop wherever your business needs. Coming soon!

to your virtual simulator

Here you will be able to enter the amount of money you want to apply in order to know what the value of your installments will be. We want to give you to know everything about your quotas, without any surprises or hidden asterisks.


Garantía*: Este valor se cobrará en el crédito, entre el 1 y 12.7% dependiendo de la capacidad de endeudamiento del cliente.

Estos son los valores estimados de tu crédito. Sin embargo, al momento de ser aprobado se te confirmarán los valores exactos

Our rates
for our products

Account Handling Fee
Cash in by PSE
Bank correspondent Cash in
Money transfers
Physical Visa card request
Ecard Visa request
Debit Card handling fee
ATM withdrawal
Purchases with Plurall Card
International purchases with Plurall Card
Money transfer to any other Plurall accounts
Request money to any other Plurall accounts
Quota payment of your loan
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Now that you know our products, let us become the best partner for your business!

Descarga la app y adquiere capital de manera sencilla, fácil y en 8 minutos.


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